Oli lives in the land of spirits and monsters and is a cottonmouth animal person. He can switch between snake and human forms and is setting out on his own to make a life for himself away from his family, as all cottonmouths do. He is intrigued by the strange artifacts that come from the other world. But as a strange illness sweeps the animal people, he is determined to get to the bottom of it and save his friend, even if that means venturing to the strange and dangerous other world of humans.
As Nina and Oli's paths cross, both of their lives will be changed forever as they discover that their worlds are more connected than anyone realized.
I loved getting lost in this world of modern Lipan storytelling! The alternating perspectives build slowly but as they begin to cross over and the stakes become clear the pacing picks up to a thrilling climax. Highly recommended for fans of animal stories, fantasy, and stories highlighting indigenous voices.
A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger
Erica's Picks
6th +
tags: animals, fantasy, global perspectives, People of Color