(Don’t) Call Me Crazy is a compilation of written and sketched material that gives the reader a look inside the mind of someone who is different from them or perhaps quite similar. It made me laugh, cry and relate. The symptoms of their mental diagnoses change the way these individuals operate and present many challenges. Their struggles are related to their behavior. They are not what has plagued them. They make it very clear that being open about mental illness is a crucial step in removing the false concept of what it is. These writers and artists express their disabilities so that others can too. Their voices come from a place inside of them that is vulnerable and honest.
This book should start a movement. People who have mental disabilities are getting helped by professionals, medication does work but not for everyone, and you should never be ashamed because working on yourself is brave. People who are not familiar with mental illness will also benefit from this book. They will understand that people struggle with symptoms that set them aside from others and fight to be understood everyday. Being sick does not make you a diagnosis. I am truly inspired by Kelly Jensen’s motivation to bring this very important book to life. Read this book to learn about what many people go through. You will feel them there with you, comforting you with assurance and telling you the truth.
Tessa"s Picks, 8th grade, Mental illness.