Paloma sees herself as girl detective modeled after Lulu Pennywhistle of her beloved mystery novels. Newly arrived in Mexico City, she starts using her power of observation and memory to make mental notes of the people and places. Little does she know that a real life mystery is around the corner. Her mother’s fellowship opening event takes place in the museum that houses some Frida Kahlo works and she learns about the artist. Meeting twins Lizzie and Gael, Paloma is introduced to the artist’s history and they reveal that a room in Frida’s house that hid some of her personal treasures locked away for 50 years, has recently been opened. Learning of Paloma’s sleuthing abilities, they enlist her help in solving a crime! The twin’s father is in jail for the theft of Frida’s famous peacock ring and they insist he is innocent. Can Paloma solve the crime?
A mysterious fortune teller, the charming son of the museum director and the Russian secret service all play a part in this intriguing adventure of artistic proportions.
Tessa's Picks, 3rd-6th, 3rd & 4th summer 2018, Crime caper, Mystery