Tessa and I tried out a new activity with some library classes last week. We selected books from the library that had covers with an image of a head and invited students to use them as a mask. The students wrote "I am" poems using a form we gave them and we took their picture with their book mask. If they needed any inspiration or facts about their mask, they could look inside the book. We had a lot of fun with this activity, and we hope you enjoy seeing the end results. Book masks View more presentations from ebretall. As I write many members of the MCDS community are working hard to prepare for the annual book fair. We are holding the book fair in the LRC for the first time this year and we are very excited! We have moved all of the shelves in the center of the first floor into the dragon room for storage to make way for tables to display all of the new books on sale. I am always touched to see all the hard work the volunteers put in to put this event together. It's wonderful to be part of a reading community! It's pretty clear what month this infographic is for! Halloween was the most searched for word and Halloween themed books were in the top two spots for most checked out titles. The kindergarteners are still checking out a lot of books and all three kindergarten classes are in the top 5 most checkouts by homeroom with Hickory taking the lead. Picture books are still the favorite section with the 700's and Young adult fiction following. We increased our number of blogs and tweets this month, but I think that we can do even better!
May 2024