A common definition is
STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics [and art] in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy. (Tsupros, 2009)
How do we introduce this to young students? Here are some picture books to get young minds engaged in STEAM thinking.
A little girl has a wonderful idea. She has imagined The Most Magnificent Thing!
She knows how it will look and work. She measures, hammers, adjusts, and tweaks. It just does not seem to work! Aided by her canine companion she tinkers some more and when she is finished it is just what they both wanted. Written and illustrated by Ashley Spires.

his to look like all the other contestants’. But what on earth is
Maya doing with her kit? Forget about supposed to and ought to,
Maya’s ideas are sky high and Rafael is happy to pitch in and go along for the ride!
Going Places by Peter Reynolds

daring what do you do? Do you hide it or become friends with it?
If others say it's weird and no good, do you listen or forge ahead?
Can you see big, see bravely? What can happen if you let your idea soar?

kid who has science on the brain and would rather look at
the world through a microscope? Lab experiments leave little
time for socializing. So mom ships him off to summer camp
where many opportunities to investigate science lead to
unexpected friendships.

dream it, they can build it" Madhu Thangavelu. Pair children
building with concrete poetry and add the inspiration of the
works of innovative architects and you have a unique creation.
From Barcelona, Spain to Luxor, Egypt follow the dreams
of children and groundbreaking architects.

she is perfecting flying machines. But her fellow students tease her
for her mechanical genius until her quick thinking and bravery save
the day when a boy scout troupe faces danger.

Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds.